Osteopenia Osteoporosis - learn all you can
Osteopenia Osteoporosis affects many women and men over age 45. Despite it being so common, there is a great deal of ignorance about these conditions. If you go through this web site in a systematical manner you will learn a great deal.
I often advise readers to begin with the CAUSES page because you can make great progress in building NEW bone, if you know all the reasons why you have been losing bone. Sometimes it is just a case of advancing years and a lowering of estrogen or testosterone BUT more often than not, there are several other causes at work. Go to the Causes of Osteopenia Osteoporosis now.
There are a number of good Osteopenia Osteoporosis books on the market.
- Bohme, Karine; Frances Budden M. D. The Silent Thief Osteoprososis, Exercises and Strategies for Prevention and Treatment . Firefly Books, 2001.
- Cosman, Felicia MD. What Your doctor May Not Tell YOu about Osteoporosis . Warner books, 2003.
- Daniels, Dianne. Exercises for Osteoporosis. Heatherleight Press, 2000.
- Goulder, Lois. Save Your Bones: High Calcium Low calories Recipes for the Family. Triad Publishing. 1999.
- Hodgson, Stepehen, M.D. Mayo Clinic on Osteoporosis. Mayo Clinic, 2003.
- Lyon, Wanda S. and Sutton, Cynthia E. Osteoporosis - How to Make Your BonesLast a Lifetime . Tribune Publishing, 1993.
- Madden, Jan. Yoga Builds Bones . Element, 2000. NOTE: This book is good for those who do not yet have Osteopenia or Osteoporosis.
- Meeks, Sara. P.T., G. C. S. Osteoporosis. There IS Something You Can Do About It!..
- Richards, Ann with Richard U. Levine, M. . I'm Not Slowing Down: Winning My Battle with Osteoporosis. Dutton, 2003.
- Root, Leon M. D. and Betty Kelly Sargent.
Beautiful Bones Without Hormones: the All-New Natural Diet and Exercise
Program to Reduce the Risk of Osteoporosis and Keep Your Bones
Healthyand Strong .
- Sydney Lou. The Osteoporosis Handbook Every Woman's Guide to Prevention and Treatment. Taylor Publishing.1997.
MORE BOOKS about Osteopenia and Osteoporosis at AMAZON