Osteopenia of the spine

Osteopenia of the spine is a common diagnoses for older women and men. Sometimes it can be found in teens or children who have medical conditions that interfere with good bone growth.  If you have received this diagnoses you do not want to ignore it. Unless you do something, your bones will continue to deteriorate. You could move to the next stage of bone loss, Osteoporosis , a much more serious condition.


1.Bone grows slowly.  Even if you start treatment (remedies) today it will take some time before your body builds enough bone to bring your spinal bone density back to normal.  Reversing Osteopenia of the spine can be a slow process.

2. When your bones are 'thin' or 'porous' they are much more likely to fracture if you fall or if you bend incorrectly. 

Yes, you are at risk. You could easily develop a fracture - a small one - because of Osteopenia of the spine. Such fractures often start a rounding of your back. Technically this rounding is called kyphosis but many people call it, dowagers hump. A dowagers hump is not only unsightly but it is often a source of chronic pain.  (If you want to read more about it, click: Dowagers Hump.) 

What you can do about Osteoporosis or Osteopenia of the spine.

First, avoid having a fracture. Here are some tips.

A. Good posture. Standing and sitting with your head held over your spine is essential... do not hold your head pushed forward. This is essential. Check yourself in a mirror.This is what I do to keep this posture. I drop my chin and pull by skull back over my spine - this straightens me up.  

Why is good posture important? If you have a habit of slouching, with your head hanging forward, you can sometimes suffer a small 'crush fracture' to a cervical vertebra. Ouch! And such fractures usually affect your posture forever. ) 

B.Bending from the hips, not the waist is very important. When you bend from the waist your spine 'rounds' and upper vertebrae exert undue pressure on theose below them. This can lead to  'crush' fractures. Painful.

Second, you want to figure out WHY you have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia of the spine. This is not a normal condition at any age. Here is a suggestion: Make a list of all Causes of Osteopenia of spine that apply to you. Then, figure out ways you can eliminate each of these causes of your bone loss.  This is really important - even if you have choose to take Bone Density medications.   Why? Unless you eliminate the causes of your bone loss, you will NEVER have a permanent remedy for your condition.

Third, now that you know your specific causes, spend time thinking about changes you can make in your life that will eliminate as many of your causes as possible.

Fourth, research your treatment options for Osteopenia of the spine. Some health care providers will immediately advise that you take a prescription drug. Do educate yourself about any drug recommended. Remember EVERY drug has side effects. Educate yourself about the prescription drugs for Osteopenia of spine.

Before you move to medications, do consider some of the effective the natural treatments for bone loss. There are many. Please take time to explore all of them. If not today, read a few now and come back later in the week to read more. After all it is your body. You need to educate yourself so you can prevent any further damage to your spine.  This is what I do to keep this posture. I drop my chin and pull by skull back over my spine - this straightens me up.  

Why is good posture important? If you have a habit of slouching, with your head hanging forward, you can sometimes suffer a small 'crush fracture' to a cervical vertebra. Ouch! And such fractures usually affect your posture forever. ) 

And as you explore your options, do take time to read how the right weight vest could actually rebuild the bones of your spine.  Yes, it is true! Many of us have done it. But not all weight vests are good for building bone.  See: Weight vest for rebuilding bone in your spine.

I wish you much luck. I know that Osteoporosis and Osteopenia of spine can be reversed. I did it and I regularly get notes from readers of my monthly NEWSLETTER saying that they are unsubscribing because they no longer have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia Spine.  

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