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Osteopenia3 December 2012
December 12, 2012

December already. I know that many of you celebrate religious and secular feasts this month. I want to extend my wish that each of you experiences deep meaning and joy.

For the men

I have been doing research on the drugs used to treat low testosterone (a cause of Osteopenia, Osteoporosis in men). I want to provide good scientific reviews of these drugs - just as I have the bisphosphonates etc. Right now there is a review of Androgel on the site. You can find the page at: .

If you are are taking or have taken a prescription drug for low testosterone, you could help out by providing me with its name. (Just hit reply to this email and I will get your response.) It could speed the work a lot.

End of the year

It is winter time in the Northern Hemisphere. There is a tendency to stay indoors, drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages....and eat sweets. No, I am not about to condemn these things. But I urge you to be mindful of your bones. If you have to wait in line or stand at a copy machine, stimulate your bone building by going up on your toes and dropping back down on your heels. {Start with a low drop and increase it slowly) Do 5 at a time and increase a bit each day. Walk down stairs (if you want to lose weigh or improve cardiovascular system, walk upstairs). A flight a day for a week...then do 2 flights. Dance in the kitchen - try tap dancing or Irish step dancing or if you have a huge kitchen,there is always the polka. AND above all, please take calming breaks during each day. Be aware of your feet when you walk, count your exhales 1-4 and then start over again at 1. Laugh - watch comedy reruns on YOUTUBE (there are no commercials once the program begins). I have been watching all the old Golden Girls this month, next month I shall try one of the British series and the probably go back to the silent films: Charlies Chaplin, Buster Keaton. .

So many people find the end of the year stressful...but stress triggers bone loss. So it is wise to build in laughter and/or other calming things at this time.

Job gains now

Finally, do you have a friend or relative who has been laid off? Can not find a job? .

The company I use for these web sites is having an end of the year 2 for 1 sale. What is different about this company is that they teach how to build a successful business on the web.

I have met so many people - a young man putting himself through college with a site about jumping rope, a young woman who earned $60,000 last year with a site about her hometown which is a tourist destination, workers and retirees sharing information they learned through their jobs.

. And the company offers gizmos that do market analysis so you know before you begin if the idea can be a success....and you do not need to know code to build a site. (There are automatic gizos) I could go on but there is a page on my other site at:

(The site is geared toward retirees but you will find the videos on that page informative. AND there is an order link that bring you to their 2 for 1 sale. Oh, and the give a 3 month, money back guarantee so if someone decides it is not what they want, they get the full price back.

I know this has NOTHING to do with Osetopenia...but I am very conscious that unemployment around the world is high. Having something that brings in an income stream offers a real life line....and it can be fun too.

And, yes, I have always answered questions or offered support to those ordering from that page. I like to think we can all succeed ...and this is one company that guarantees success to anyone who follows the program.


Until next year....


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