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Osteopenia Jan 2014
January 09, 2014

Welcome to our first issue of 2014. I hope this is the year you will unsubscribe BECAUSE YOU DO NOT NEED anything about increasing your bone density any more. Your Dexa will show NORMAL for both spine and hips. Yes! .

Last week I was cheered when a friend in her 80s told me that her latest Dexa showed NORMAL for her spine. I asked her what she had been doing and one thing she said was that she was taking Advacal. Since Dr. Fujita's research used older subjects and it showed increase in spinal bone density I was not surprised. .

I recalled that it was his work that first got me interested in the topic of researching ways of reversing bone loss because he worked with older populations - those in their 80s and 90s.

Olive leaf does more than stimulate bone growth

A few days ago I was reminded that Olive leaf is not only a stimulant for getting our Osteoblasts to build more bone and an anti-viral but it can affect blood pressure too. What reminded me? Well, just a few weeks ago I was to see my regular doctor and my systolic blood pressure (the top number) was 120. This past week I had a check up with the cardiologist and that number was 140! I was taken aback....until I remembered that I had run out of olive leaf and so stopped taking it just about a week ago. Guess who ordered more olive leaf?

So if you are taking olive leaf for your bones, you might check your blood pressure every so often. I am not sure it will affect you as it did me BUT you do not want your blood pressure to get too low.

Something new

Now for a topic I have never discussed before. Most of you are reading this newsletter on your computer (or tablet). So let me ask you: Is your breastbone vertical? or are you reading from a position that makes your breast bone be at an angle? .

If so, pull it up and forward so it IS straight. OK. Did that mean you had to move your chin a bit to see the screen right on? If you are now sitting straight, with your breast bone straight up and down, try to memorize what that feels like so you will get in the habit of sitting this way. .

Why is this important? when your breast bone is tilted, it means your spine curves a bit ---- and this curve is what can sometimes cause a fracture at the front edge of one of your vertebra. The pressure of one vertebra on the top edge of the one that is under it, can cause front edge of bone to crumble a bit and you get what is called a Wedge fracture. Once you have a wedge fracture, your spine is permanently tilted forward a bit....and this tilt can create pressure on the next vertebra and its front edge breaks down and.... Soon you find you really can not stand straight even when you try. You have kyphosis (or dowagers hump). .

I mention this today because in the last month I have seen so many 'white collar workers' and professionals with the beginnings of Kyphosis. And I really think that having computer screens placed so low that they curve their spine forward when they work could be contributing to this.

Get your computer screen higher - a block of wood or even a book should do it. If you work on a laptop, get that screen up to eye level. How? At home I use a fat cushion/pillow - in an airport I plop my luggage onto my lap. Be inventive! Just don't sit with your spine curved - please.


This week I received an email from Hyperwear. If you live in the USA and have wanted to buy a Hyperwear weight vest but found them a bit pricey, you might want to consider buying your vest now. .

Hyperwear is offering a January Sale of 10% off orders of $100+ and Free Shipping. Use code HYPERJAN at checkout on orders Plus Get FREE Shipping! ( Cannot be combined with other orders, some restrictions apply. Continental USA only via fedex ground, weight under 75lbs.)

(There is a link for this on the Stores/Shopping page (bottom of NAVIGATION bar) of site. Go to the page and scroll down to Hypervest or copy and paste this link into your browser and the scroll down to the company's link.

Be well. Be happy. More next month.....


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