Well,I goofed last month. I should not have sent out the 'correction'. The information in the first mailing was correct. Natto is an anti-coagulant; Vitamin K is the coagulant. I think the web site page on this topic is clear.

I thank all of you who wrote to me - especially some who shared their experience of using this supplement successfully under a doctors care for other conditions. The 'under a professionals care' IS important.

It is one thing to eat the food but some ads for the concentrated supplement say nothing about consulting a health care provider and that could be a mistake for those taking other medications.

Again, thanks to all who wrote. You are a wonderful group of subscribers!


When I started this newsletter in 2006, I wanted to share some of what I had learned. Now I find myself continuing to research because I want to bring you the newest and the latest.

The diagnosis of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis continues to increase. Some say the conditions are becoming epidemic. In any case the increase has resulted in more and more research being done through out the world.

As you know scientific research costs a lot of money.

Pharmaceutical companies are willing to spend because they expect to make a profit on their drugs when they obtain an exclusive patent. And when a drug goes off patent and a generic company can make it, the pharmaceutical company often offers a slightly different version that is 'better' in some way and they can continue earning with the new version.

Another group now publishing research are physicians and researchers trained in "Western" scientific medical research who live in countries with a long tradition other theories and practices in health care. Since 2000, a number of articles have been published about Chinese and Indian health care. These articles subjected specific treatments to a Western scientific examination. Recently a spate of articles about aboriginal treatments appeared and ancient herbal treatments are coming to the fore.

Finally, there are researchers who examine daily life, especially food and activities, to see if particular habits can bring about stronger bones. These studies are some times undertaken in countries where there is a tradition of food as medicine eg. Iran and Poland. In other cases researchers just seem to get nterested in why one group or another has different bone density outcomes eg. the boron study in England, natto in Japan.

TODAY'S NEWSLETTER offers you the results of studies from this last category of daily life: A FOOD shown to increase bone density.

Unlike some of the other foods mentioned in this newsletter in the past, today's food is something that most people already eat - at least some times.

What is it?

Onions. Yes, Onions.

There have been several studies since 2005 that show Onions slow the resorption of bone. (That is the break down of old bone by our Osteoclasts. )

Scientists have been trying to figure out just what chemical in the onions is responsible for slowing the work of your Osteclasts (bone resorption cells).

In 2005 a group of researchers in Bern found that a gamma-glutamyl peptide slowed the resorption of bone and that nothing else in onions seemed to have any effect, so they concluded it is responsible. (Their research gives the chemical formula of the exact peptide but I am not sure that is what we really want to know. What counts to us is that Onions can slow bone loss.)

In that same year researches in England concluded that the silicon content in Onions might be helping in building new bone. As noted in this newsletter before, silicon is necessary for turning your calcium into bone.

But any case, Onions appear to be helpful for those wanting in increase their bone density.

Since reading these studies, I have been adding raw onions to salads and some cooked ones to hot meals. I do not think I shall ever join the crowd that eats onion sandwiches but Onions seem to be an easy and inexpensive way to aid my bones.


Eventually I shall add a page about Onions to the web site but I wanted to let you know about them as soon as possible.

Many small actions can lead to a significant result. Eating onions may be one of them.

Until next month,
