There is so much in the news this month! This issue covers:
1. New drug report
2, New form of Calcium on the market
3. Studies : Osteoarthrites & Osteoprorosis 4. Mail order chelation products and bone density. …..and a request from me.
1. Reclast (Zoledronic acid ) has been used with cancer patients who develop Osteoporosis.. This month’s New England Journal of Medicine reports this once a year infusion was effective with other Osteoporosic patients.. The FDA is reviewing the drug for this wider application. To read the whole story go to:
2.. AlgaeCal Plus is new calcium supplement on the market. . AlgaeCal Plus is made from Brazilian algae and it includes Vitamin D3, K2 and Magnesium as well as various trace minerals. The company guarantees its effectiveness in increasing bone density. AlgaeCal Plus may appeal especially to those who do not want calcium from bovine or oyster shell sources. Read more at about AlgaeCal Plus . 3. Osteoarthritis may give greater bone density. Some British research studies show that those with osteoarthritis of the hip, have a higher than expected bone density of the hip. Caution: At least one study suggests that the osteoarthritis might interfere with the dexa scan results – so this the claims of improvement are not definitive yet.. 4. If you get mail ads trying to sell Chelation products to ‘clean out your arteries’ and improve your health, be careful.
What these ads do not say is that chelation therapy also leaches minerals, such as calcium, from the body. (If you are doing chelation therapy under a medical practitioner, you levels of calcium and other minerals will be monitored during the treatment. Please, if you have Osteopenia or Osteoporosis, do not order chelation supplements without discussing them with your health care provider. Special Request. Search engines consider links to a web site to be a sign of a site’s value. As I have added more content to the Osteopenia web site the ratio of links in to content has changed and search engines are deciding that the site is less valuable. Request, if you or a friend have a blog or web site, would you add a link to , so we get back in the good graces of yahoo, google, msn etc.? Thanks
You can reverse bone loss